BREAKING: The Conways! Cancelled

The Conways! Twitter’s first smash-hit series, has announced its cancellation. The show, which premiered in June of 2017, began as a darkly comedic update of the popular ‘90s show Carville & Matalin. Where the original series—about a married couple on opposing political teams—had a tongue-in-cheek tone, the couple at the center of the The Conways! had a more acerbic, go-for-the jugular sensibility. 

In recent months, just as the show was in danger of jumping the shark, The Conways! added an even more explosive stick of dynamite: A teenaged daughter-character, Claudia, who tweeted vicious attacks on her mother’s (Kellyanne’s) boss, President Trump. (George, the husband/father, has expanded his Twitter attacks by co-founding The Lincoln Project.) Claudia was a gamble that paid off, bigly.

In these dystopian times, fans on both sides of the political spectrum have delighted in wondering where the line between scripted and unscripted lies in The Conways! Months ago, Claudia announced she was stepping back from her social media presence—was she grounded?—only to roar back recently with even more passionate anti-Trump barbs. 

“I’m really going to miss The Conways!’ says Martin Bicklesby, a 24 year-old computer programmer who is a registered Independent. “They made me feel better about my own family, which is pretty dysfunctional.” 

The show also had an avid following among armchair couples counselors, like Sherry Peppertone, a 58 year-old retired synchronized swimmer. “My theory is, their tweets are their foreplay. Some couples just love arguing.” Another wannabe shrink, Tina Qua, 33, a radiologist, has another theory: “I think they’re secretly separated. At the very least, sleeping in different rooms.”

All parties claim the cancellation is voluntary, that they’re prioritizing their family, while some Twitter fans wonder if the ‘Deep State’ or President Trump himself has pulled the plug. Regardless of who’s responsible for the cancellation, Twitter just won’t be the same without The Conways! 


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