- What do you mean I never saw New Kids on the Block in concert?
- Why are my bangs the same length as my hair?
- By the way, why IS there no Salon Selectives hair spritz in this house?
- I thought we decided that once we got contacts, glasses would never be worn outside of the house?
- Gross, you drink wine?
- So, weekend sleepovers at your friend’s houses just stop? Lame.
- I can’t believe you don’t turn the treadmill up to full speed just to see how fast you can go.
- How come there are no Little Debbie Snack Cakes in this house?
- Who’s this dude in your wedding picture? It’s definitely not Fred Savage.
- You write articles and submit them to electronic magazines? That’s not what I meant when I said I wanted to be famous when I grow up. ❏
Dana Storino is a wife, mother of three humans, and one very energetic Dalmatian. She resides in Chicago, Illinois. and works as a special education classroom assistant for Chicago Public Schools.
8 Responses
11 year old me can relate, but 38 year old me can’t stop laughing! This is too funny!
Lol thanks so much!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Very cute and clever.
Thanks Lizz!!!
Thanks so much lizz
Super funny Dana!
Thanks so much Marissa!!!
Loved all ten. Too funny because I can remember it all.