YOM KIPPUR OBSERVANCE 2019 (Wednesday, October 9)
9 AM | Wake up. |
9:30 | Drink cup of coffee. |
10:15 | Go to synagogue. Reflect on my year. Vow to be a better person. |
1 PM | Come home. Make kugel. Pretend I’m not hungry. |
3:00 | Get the house ready for annual 50-person break-the-fast. Set up Russ & Daughters bagel-cream cheese-smoked fish spread. |
5:00 | Greet guests. Dive into food as if I haven’t eaten in weeks. |
YOM KIPPUR OBSERVANCE 2020 (Monday, September 28)
6 AM | Wake up to deal with puppy. |
6:30 | Start reading New York Times story about Trump’s taxes. |
7:00 | Fall back to sleep. |
9:30 | Wake up. Eat breakfast. Read more of Times tax story. |
10:30 | Take daughter to Verizon store to activate my old iPhone. |
NOON | Come home. Read more of Times tax story. |
1 | Make kugel. Miss my mother. |
2:30 | Eat lunch. Read more of Times tax story. |
5:30 | Break-the-fast with five additional friends/family members on socially distanced rooftop. |
10:00 | Get into bed. Finish reading Times tax story. ❏ |
Photo by David Holifield.
4 Responses
Nearly spot on. We did participate in Zoom services, however bizarre they were.
The kugel was really good. Really really good. Both years.
As you might know i am a famous jewish critic and i think that is just spectaculer
Very streamlined telling of a complex story. What a difference a year makes…this year in any case.