- Wordlers
- Scrollers
- Feeders
- Texters
- Refreshers
- Gifers
- Bitmojiers
- Instagrammers
- YouTubers
- Slackers
- Seamlessers
- Photo Editors
- Selfie Filters
- Veggie Choppers
- Meat Cutters
- Eaters
- Tweezers
- Sewers (also: Needle Threaders)
- Nail Clippers
- Stain Dabbers
- Tick Removers
- Mole Checkers
- Meaningful Gazers
- Intimate Eye Contacters ❏
Tara Altebrando is the author of numerous young adult novels, including The Leaving and Take Me With You, and the creator of the Pinna podcast Dream Breachers.