Mary had a little lamb
We all have heard, of course
But what the rhyme had never told
She had it with mint sauce
For fetching it back from the school
Had left her Ma a wreck
So Pa took it out to the barn
And wrung it’s bleedin’ neck
He cleaned it then he skinned it,
butchered it in a trice
And said to Ma “You know what, dear,
A mid-week roast is nice”
So Ma, she got the taters peeled
As well she knew she should
And then she made the batter
For Pa liked his Yorkshire pud
When Mary skipped back home that night
She, cheerful, ate her dinner
And thanked her Ma ’tween every bite
For mid-week roast’s a winner
Then Pa, feeling quite guilty,
Confessed to what he’d done
And Mary, with a teary eye
Turned to confront her Mum
“I’ve et’ my little lamb” she cried
“I can’t believe that Pops
Would have me eat its shoulder joint.
He knows I prefer chops!” ❏
Nic is a father and grandfather to many, and writes because it is the only way he can get a word in.
Photo by Mantra Media
2 Responses
My kinda poetry! Love the twist of the old nursery rhyme. Maybe I oughta submit some o’ my tripe! lol – Daniel Ricketts
Do, Daniel. I look forward to reading it.