If you’re old enough to know what an ABC Afterschool Special is, then it’s your lucky day! These hour-long teachable moments are coming soon with original titles but brand new storylines, updated for your life TODAY. Check out this great lineup:
She Drinks A Little
After juggling work-from-home and homeschooling her hyperactive preschoolers while her husband takes very important calls from her craft room, Barb begins adding a little boost to her Kombucha.
Make Believe Marriage
Judy and Kevin celebrate their 26th wedding anniversary with their family via Zoom from their respective laptops—and adult daughter Lacey becomes suspicious when it appears Dad is Zooming from a Red Roof Inn.
Have You Ever Been Ashamed Of Your Parents
A middle-aged couple goes viral with their TikTok dance routines and uses the proceeds to pay for therapy for their traumatized 14 year-old daughter.
My Dad Lives In A Downtown Hotel
In the sequel to Make Believe Marriage, 25-year-old Lacey learns her father has been quarantining in a Red Roof Inn since her mother discovered his Zoom meetings were all one-on-ones with his new administrative assistant.
Schoolboy Father
After his restaurant closes in the pandemic, Brian decides to go back and finish high school — but struggles to find acceptance amongst his son’s friends.
Jennifer’s healing crystal collection threatens her marriage when her golfer husband cuts his hand on a piece of pyrite in their dry sauna.
The Day My Kid Went Punk
A middle-aged mixed-media artist/part-time mixologist is troubled when his son joins the Young Capitalists Club. But the tide begins to turn when he spies him listening to his old Clash albums—on vinyl!
High School Narc
Using her newly created Finsta account, a PTA president scours Instagram as “Kylie,” searching for local teens gathering without masks. Perpetrators get posted to the school parent Facebook group.
It Isn’t Easy Being a Teenage Millionaire
A financial planner struggles to help his daughter, @hellabella, see the benefits of investing her TikTok fortune in a 401k.
Sometimes I Don’t Love My Mother
Amy tests positive for COVID after spending seven hours teaching her mom to use all her new Apple devices.
The Less-Than-Perfect Daughter
Carol’s Zoom Thanksgiving is ruined when her mom accidentally unmutes during Grace and disparages Carol’s lack of a husband.
The Almost Royal Family
When Meghan’s new family fails to protect her from racist/misogynist press reports in the midst of a mental health crisis, she and her husband flee to America where they move into Oprah’s neighborhood. ❏
Kristin Nilsen, Michelle Newman and Carolyn Cochrane are Minneapolis writers who host The Pop Culture Preservation Society, a weekly podcast dedicated to preserving and elevating the cultural nuggets of the classic Gen X childhood. A good day for them includes acting out scenes from Little House on the Prairie and rearranging their collection of Fisher Price people.