Today I pondered pandering
as the storm
overtook the capitol
in a thundering herd
of lightning strikes
and trespass.
Today I watched the twitter
or the facebook posting
claims of fraud, without evidence,
except perhaps charges
against two republicans
in PA voting for dead relatives.
Today I grieved as Senators
and congressmen raised fists
in support of violent intruders
who smashed their way
through hallowed doors,
intent on sitting behind
the speaker’s desk,
proclaiming their love
for Chairman trump.
Today I sat and stared
at pundits creating
false equivalences,
comparing reactions to police
kneeling on a neck
to insurrection against
the seat of government.
Today I laughed
as the congressional enablers
of the panderer in chief
deserted his majesty
and began their search
for a new false prophet. ❏
Peter Witt is a retired university professor, at least that’s what it says on his business card.